Privacy Policy

Product Name: Color Loop - Ultimate Challenge

Effective Date: 03 November 2023

    This Privacy Policy is applicable for all of our Games, Websites, Youtube channels, and other related services, collectively referred here as our Services. After the effective date, the continued use of the services will be subject to the Privacy Policy. Please read and understand the following sections to learn more about how we are using your personal information.

    Over view

    About us and contact us: We process your personal data when you play our game. Questions regarding our data policies, your rights or have any complaints, contact us at

    Personal information we collect: Personal informations are collected from you directly during you play or register to create an account. While logging in with your social media account, we get your Name and profile picture.

    How we use your personal information: To provide you with our games, analyze and support you throughout the use and improve the experience.

    Who we share your personal data with: We work with certain advertising partners and third-parties set out in the prvacy policy. We also share your information within our group as recquired by the law.

    Your rights:You may have the right to delete your data or stop processing your information, access or receive a copy, and the right to object to our information use.

    Changes:We will publish updates or changes to this poicy here. If there are any significant changes, we will notify you through the website and in-Game.

    We recommend you read the privacy-policy policy of Animacast to understand our functionality and practice your rights. We always welcome your questions regarding our data policies and your suggestions.

  2. This privacy policy notifies you of the choices you make and our practices regarding your data. Here, "Animacast," "we" or "us" refers to Animacast Productions, a company registered in the address of: 4th floor, Rasis Business Centre, Al Barsha 1, Dubai, P.O Box No: 125633, United Arab Emirates.


  4. For the purpose of the GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION 2016/679 and any other implementing legislation (the "GDPR"), Animacast IT Solutions LLC (referred to as "Animacast,""Animacast Productions,""We,""Us,"or "Our") will be the data controller who is responsible for any of the personal data that we process. If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, and anything related to exercise any of your rights, then please contact us through the game's Help &Support so that we can reply to you more quickly.

    The data controller: Animacast IT Solutions LLC

  5. Under the GDPR, individuals can exercise:

    • Right for accessibility
    • Right for rectification
    • Right to erasure
    • Right to object to processing
    • Right to control or restrict processing
    • Data portability right
    • Right to object to processing
    • Rights concerning automated decision making and profiling Right to get information

  6. What are the personal data that we collect from you and why?

  7. We may use the source and otherwise will process your personal data in different ways. In all of the cases, we are committed to protecting your personal data at all times without fail. Under the Sections listed below, we have described how we obtain your personal data and how we are treating it.


    Rule Summary: COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) 1998, a United States federal law imposes specific demands on websites or online operators providing services to children under the age of 13 and other online service and website providers who know that they are collecting personal data from children under 13.
    We advise children under 16 to obtain parents'or guardians'permission when they play our games. Clearing their browser cache of cookies and taking all other steps highlighted in our privacy policy content is recommended to minimize the data collected.

  8. Categories of personal data that we may collect from our Existing or Prospective Individual Customers

    • Contact information that includes name or nickname or email you submit as part of your registration for our Services or via social networks or log in. We will create an Animacast-specific ID for you as and when required when you are using our Services.
    • Broad location data (e.g., city-level or country location)
    • Data about your device, such as operating system, manufacturer, RAM, CPU, language, and browser type.
    • Your I.P. address and unique mobile device identification numbers such as your MAC address, device I.D., Advertising I.D., etc.
    • Data we collect with cookies and other similar technologies. Please see our Cookies Notice for more information.
    • Precise geolocation data (GPS, only with your consent)
    • Data to fight fraud such as click fraud in advertising or refund abuse in games.
    • Data from the platforms that the games run on such as to verify the payment.
    • Data (such as your profile picture and nickname) we receive if you link a third-party tool with Services (such as Facebook, Google or other similar platforms)
    • Data for analytics purposes and advertising and so that we can provide you a better service.
    • Your messages to our Services such as chat logs and player support tickets. And any feedback you submitted about your experience with us.
    • Details of orders such as the amount you spent, date, time, vouchers, or offers you have used.
    • Other data you choose to give us.

    Information you provide Automatically generated From Third parties
    Registration information: for example, You will be asked to provide your date of birth, email address, and password while registering to play a game on the Website.
    Survey information: We may manage your ratings, ideas, preferences, pictures, questions, and responses associated with surveys. We may ask about your experience through surveys and answer questions regarding your interests. We may ask about your experience through surveys.
    Identifiers: Your IP address, device, app IDs, location data, information about the device, and unique Animacast ID will be collected.
    Cookies: We use cookies to supplement your experience.They are small files that enable us to provide you specific functionalities and features when placed on your device. You can opt to permit the installation of such cookies and other similar technologies or to disable them subsequently. You may accept cookies or refuse to receive all cookies by adjusting the relevant cookie retention function in your device or instructing the device or web browser to provide notice when installing cookies. However, when you refuse to install cookies, you may find it impossible to operate according to the design features.
    Information about your Game-use: We will collect data like timestamps, ad engagement, and transaction records. We may also take evidence of cheating software or modified versions of the Games if you use it.
    Data we get when you register:We may obtain your third party ID, name, avatar, and location when you register through Facebook, Google Play, Apple, e.t.c.
    When you give our Game permission, We may also collect your email and birth date.
    Information from payment processors: We collect data from payment processors about transactions you make—your Apple ID number, your postcard, and state for Google, your address and user ID
    Information from advertising partners: With advertising shown in your mobile Games, your user ID and information on your interactions are received.
    Mobile measurement partners: We obtain information from third parties to trace our marketing campaigns'performance and check fraud in such campaigns.
  9. Third-Party Websites and Games

  10. See that link to websites or other services owned and administered by third parties are found in the Games. This covers games controlled by others inserted into our Webpage, So they appear like they are on our Website but are on the site of a third-party developer.

  11. Third-Party Privacy Methods

  12. Suppose you access any Games through a third-party platform such as Facebook or Google (“Third Party Services”). In that case, understand that those Third-party services may collect other data about you following their terms and privacy policies. The privacy methods described in this Policy do not apply to Third-Party Services. Any links in the Games to Third Party Services do not mean that we authorize or have reviewed the Third-Party Services.


    We utilize the subsequent user acquisition and advertising partners that are united into some or all the Games. Please review the following privacy policies to study more about their privacy methods, including how you may operate your data subject rights.

    Advertising partners to privacy links

    This helps you to view and practice your rights directly toward them hereafter


  14. Plugins help to accelerate your games. At the game launching, memory is freed immediately, and more space is made free, so your gaming experience is smoother, which allows you to practice your rights directly towards them. We recommend you to read the privacy policies of plugins we use to understand more about them.
  15. Why are we collecting your personal data, and what are our lawful bases for it?

  16. In the Case of Individual Customers

    We may use your personal data to: Our lawful basis is
    Provide you with our services or products (for example, make online purchases or play one of our online games). Our Lawful basis is Contract

    We may use your personal data to: Our lawful basis is Our legitimate interests are
    • Study about how our products and services are used For example, when you fill out the surveys about your experience, you had with us.
    • Legitimate Interest
    To Understand the market in which we operate Management Reporting (including at an intra-group level)
    • Establish and manage our relationship with you.These covers making your experience with us personalized, maintaining your account with us, or dealing with complaints.
    • Legitimate Interest
    • Account Management
    • Management Reporting including at an intra-group level
    • Exercise or defend legal claims
    • For Security (ensuring the confidentiality of personal information or preventing unauthorized access and modifications to our systems)
    • Legitimate Interest
    • Managing Security
    • Risk and fraud prevention
    • Management Reporting (including at an intra-group level)
    • Let you know about our products, events, and services that may be of interest to you by email or any other electronic mode of communication.
    • Legitimate Interest
    • That is to promote our goods and services.
    • Management Reporting. Including at an intra-group level

    If you have any objections in using your personal data for the above purposes, including for direct marketing, Kindly let us know at We use your email to communicate marketing updates with you. We will seek your prior consent where required to do so by law.

  17. How long are we keeping your personal data?

  18. We will be processing your personal data only for the purposes, which we collected in connection with the provision of the service to you unless we have a legal right or obligation to hold the Data for a more extended period, or the Data is essential for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

  19. Representatives of our existing or prospective BUSINESS PARTNERS, VENDORS, AND CORPORATE CUSTOMERS

  20. We may collect personal data related to Directors, Authorized signatories, Employees, or other individuals associated with Animacast existing or prospective business partners, Vendors, and corporate customers.

  21. Following are the sources from where we obtain your personal Data

    • Directly from you
    • During networking events that we have either sponsored, attended or hosted.
    • From a company that is employing you, if you are an employee of our prospective or existing business partner, vendor or customer.
    • From the publicly available sources such as your company website or social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn or other similar platforms.
  22. Following are the personal data that we collect and process from you

  23. We may gather the following categories of personal data relating to our prospective or existing customers', vendors, and business partners' officers, employees, authorized signatories and other associated individuals

    • Business telephone number
    • Job title
    • Business email address
    • Name
    • Business address
  24. Why are we collecting your personal data, and what are our lawful bases and legitimate interest in doing so?

  25. We may use your personal data to: Our lawful basis for doing so is: Our legitimate interests in doing so are:
    Establish and manage our relationship with you Legitimate Interest

    Efficiently fulfill our legal and contractual obligations.

    Account Management To understand the market in which we operate

    Management Reporting.Including at an intra-group level.

    To exercise or defend legal claims

    Provide you with our products or services.

    Receive products or services from you

    Legitimate Interest

    To efficiently fulfill our legal and contractual obligations.

    Management Reporting. Including at an intra-group level

    Let you know about our products, events, and services that may be of interest to you by telephone, email, letter, or other forms of electronic communication Legitimate Interest

    Promote our services and goods.

    Management Reporting. Including the intra-group level.

    To Learn about how our products and services are or may be used Legitimate Interest

    Understand the market in which we operate.

    Management Reporting. Including at an intra-group level

    Security Legitimate Interest

    Managing security, risk and fraud prevention

    Management Reporting. Including at an intra-group level.

    If you have any objections in using your personal data for the above purposes, including for direct marketing, Kindly let us know at . We use your email to communicate marketing updates with you. We will seek your prior consent where required to do so by law.

  26. How long are we keeping your personal data?

  27. We will be processing your personal information only for the purposes, which it was collected in connection with the provision of services to you unless we have a legal right or obligation to hold the Data for a longer period, or the Data is essential for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

  28. How we source, use, and otherwise process your personal data for WEBSITE VISITORS?

  29. Following are the sources from where we obtain your Personal Data

    • Directly from you (for example, at the time of subscribing to any services offered on our Youtube Channels Website, including but not limited to interactive services, posting material, and email mailing lists).
    • From your browser or device.
    • We may keep a record of your correspondence when you have contacted us.

  30. Following are the personal data that we collect and process from you

    • Your I.P. address.
    • Cookie data
    • Browser type
    • Information on the use of our website. For example, the pages you have visited, geographical location, the time you have spent on the site, your online transactions on our website.
    • Preferences regarding online marketing

  31. Why are we collecting your personal data, and what are our lawful bases and legitimate interest in doing so?

  32. From Website Visitors

    We may use your personal data to: Our lawful basis Our legitimate interests
    To provide our website services to you Legitimate Interest Website Management Promote our goods and services Account Management
    Establish and manage our relationship

    Understand the market in which we operate

    Management Reporting (including at an intra-group level)

    Account Management

    Learn about our website(s) users' browsing formats and the performance of our website(s) Website Management

    Managing security, risk and crime prevention

    Management Reporting (including at an intra-group level)

    Keep you updated with our products, services, and events that may be of interest to you by letter, telephone, email or other forms of electronic communication

    Promote our goods and services

    Management Reporting (including at an intra-group level)

    Understand how our products or services may be used

    Understand the market in which we operate

    Management Reporting (including at an intra-group level)

    If you disagree with us on using your personal information for the above purposes, including for direct marketing, you may please contact us using the email address Wherever we use cookies or similar technologies, we will seek your prior consent where required to do so by law. Wherever we use your email to communicate the marketing information to you, we will be seeking your prior consent where required to do so by the law.

  33. How long are we keeping your personal data?

  34. We will be keeping your personal information only for as long as it is required for the purposes for which we have collected it in connection with your requests via our website or your use of our websites


  36. We may collect the personal related data of job applicants for positions advertised on our website.

  37. Following are the sources from where we obtain your Personal Data

    • Directly from you
    • From a third party, for example, recruitment agency or individual referrals
    • Web-based application forms and via hard copies
    • During networking events that we have either sponsored or hosted or, attended
    • From publicly available sources, for example, networks such as LinkedIn
  38. Following are the personal data that we collect and process from you

  39. We may collect the following types of personal data, which may differ, depending on the content of your biodata or baseline documents you are submitting to us

    • Name
    • Residence address
    • Personal email address
    • Telephone number
    • Date of birth
    • Career and education history
    • Skills, experience, and qualifications
    • Personal interests, questionnaire results, and languages are known
    • Gender
    • Names and other contact details for the references. Please be informed that it is your responsibility to obtain permission from your references before providing us with the personal information about them
    • Current and your historic salary details together with your salary expectations
    • Details of your current benefits and entitlements
    • Information about your eligibility to work in the country where ANIMACAST or its affiliate is located
    • Other information that you have chosen to give us.
  40. Why do we collect your personal data, and what are our lawful bases and legitimate interest in doing so?

  41. Job Applicants

    We may use your personal data to: Our lawful basis for doing so is:

    Check your eligibility to work in the country in which Animacast affiliate is located

    If you provide us with information regarding your disability, we will process accordingly, as a part of our legal obligation to make reasonable adjustments for the recruitment process

    Legal obligation

    We may use your personal data to: Our lawful basis for doing so is: Our legitimate interests in doing so are:

    Facilitate the selection process

    Assess and confirm your suitability for employment

    Communicate with you

    Legitimate interests Talent Management (including at an intra-group level)

    Execute business process and internal management

    Management Reporting (including at an intra-group level)

    Safeguard the Security of our infrastructure, premises, assets and office equipment, including prevention of criminal activity, defending legal claims

    Management Reporting (including at an intra-group level)

  42. Why are we collecting your personal data, and what are our lawful bases and legitimate interest in doing so?

  43. Visitors to our Premises
    We may use your personal data to: Our lawful basis is Our legitimate interests are:
    Security Legitimate Interest Managing security, risk and crime prevention
    Maintain records of visitors to our premises Legitimate InterestManagement Reporting
  44. How long are we keeping your personal data?

  45. We will be keeping and processing your Personal Data only for the purposes for which we collected it. If you are successful during the interview and we hire you, we will keep your biodata as part of your employment record for the duration of your employment with us. We don't keep C.V.s and documents submitted by unsuccessful candidates for not longer than twelve months, until unless we obtained their consent to keep it for longer.

  46. Visitors to our premises

  47. Following are the sources from where we obtain your Personal Data

    • Name
    • Business contact details
    • Organization
    • Role
    • Time and date of your visit
    • Image (for example, from CCTV cameras at our office premises).

  48. Why are we collecting your personal data, and what are our lawful bases and legitimate interest in doing so?

  49. Visitors to our Premises

    We may use your personal data to: Our lawful basis is Our legitimate interests are:


    Legitimate Interest

    Managing security, risk and crime prevention

    Maintain records of visitors to our premises

    Legitimate Interest

    Management Reporting

    If you have any objection to us using your personal data for the above purposes, please let us know using the email address

  50. How long will we keep your personal data?

  51. We will keep your personal data for as long as necessary to ensure the Security of the visitors to our office premises. As soon as it is no longer required, usually after 90 days, we will delete it.

  52. With whom do we share your personal data with?

  53. We do not sell your personal data to other third parties.

    With Our Partner Organisations and Service Providers

    We may disclose the personal information about you to organizations that provide a service to us. We will ensure that they are contractually obligated to keep your personal information confidential and will comply with the GDPR and other relevant data protection laws at all times. We may share your personal data with the below types of service providers

    • Technical support providers who are assisting us with our I.T. infrastructure and website
    • Third-party software providers, including the software as a service solution provider, where the provider hosts the relevant personal data on our behalf.
    • Professional advisers such as accountants, solicitors, tax advisors, insurance brokers, and auditors
    • Providers that are helping us to generate and collate the reviews concerning our services and goods.
    • Our promotional and advertising agencies and consultants and those organizations or online platforms which are selected by us to carry out the marketing campaigns on our behalf and to advertise their services or products that may be of any interest to you.
    • Any of our service providers that assist us in providing our services.

  55. According to California privacy rights, the terms applicable to the residents of California under the CCPA(California Consumer Privacy Act) 2018 and its implementing regulations, as amended or superseded from time to time (“CCPA”). Personal data means information that describes, identifies, relates to, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular household, consumer, or otherwise defined by the CCPA. Personal data or pieces of information do not include data that is: lawfully from government records, de-identified or aggregated, or otherwise excluded from the CCPA.

    The CCPA grants California citizens special legal rights; these rights are not absolute and subject to specific exclusions. If you are a California citizen, and the CCPA does not recognize an exemption that applies to you or your data, you have the right to:

    • Proffer a provable request for the following report covering the 12 months preceding your request:
    • The classes of Personal Information about you that we collected, sold, or revealed;
    • The kinds of sources from which the Personal Information was obtained;
    • The intention of ordering or selling Personal Information about you;
    • The sections of third parties to whom we published Personal Data about you and the types of Personal Data that were disclosed and the purpose for disclosing the Personal Information about you; and
    • The particular pieces of Personal Information we collected about you;
    • Submit a valid request that we delete Personal Information we obtained from you; and
    • Be free from illegal discrimination for drilling your rights, including providing a different level or quality of services or refuse goods or help to you when you exercise your rights under the CCPA, subject to certain limitations.

  57. For this Addendum 2, Personal data carries the meaning as defined in the LGPD. The terms of this Addendum apply to Brazilian residents under the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (Lei nº 13.709, de 14 de Agosto de 2018) and its executing regulations, as recasted or superseded from time to time (LGPD).
  58. Your powers under the LGPD

  59. The LGPD grants Brazilian residents special constitutional rights; these rights are not fixed and are subject to exclusions. In particular, you hold the right to:
    • To question whether we hold personal data about you and ask for copies of such personal data and how prepared.
    • Request that personal data is rectified.
    • Limit the processing of your personal information that is not being processed in agreement with the LGPD.
    • Get information on the possibility of rejecting assent and the outcomes of doing so.
    • Gather information about the third parties with whom we share your personal information.
    • Get the deletion of your personal information prepared if the processing was based upon your consent, unless one or more exemptions are given for in Art. Sixteen of the LGPD apply.
    • Recall your consent at any time.
    • Question a processing action in cases where the processing is not carried out according to the law's provisions.
  60. Law enforcement or government bodies

  61. We may disclose your personal information as permitted by the laws to investigate, prevent or take action regarding suspected fraud, violation of our intellectual property rights, illegal activities, and situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any person, and the violation of our Terms and Conditions or any other agreements, or as required by the law.

  62. Transfers of personal data outside the United Arab Emirates and GCC

  63. We share your personal information with our affiliates in the UAE and outside the UAE. We share personal information with external vendors or service providers or suppliers we engage to perform services or activities on our behalf and under our instructions. Where these suppliers are located internally we confirm that they have a contractual obligation to comply with the UAE and GCC data protection laws. We also ensure in our agreements with these organizations that they process Personal Data in accordance with our instructions and to provide the services agreed upon and to protect the integrity and confidentiality of your personal information provided to us. We may also disclose personal information to our advisers, law enforcement and other public authorities (such as tax and social security agencies), police, prosecutors, courts and tribunals. All these recipients themselves are responsible for complying with the UAE and GCC data protection laws.Some of the vendors we are affiliated with are located outside the GCC.

  64. Your Rights

  65. You have the right to obtain information from us (animacast) on how are we handling your personal data, to see the copies of all personal data which are held by us and to request that your personal Data is amended, deleted or corrected from our systems. You can also restrict, limit or object to the processing of your data. We at animacast do not carry out any decision-making based solely on the automated processing, including the profiling. If you are giving us your consent to use your data , example. this will help us to send you personalised ads or marketing emails. you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time . Howewer, Please note that even if you withdraw your consent, we can still rely on the consent you have given us as the lawful basis for processing your personal data ,before you withdrew your consent.

    You can object to our use of your personal data where we have stated that we rely on our legitimate business interests to do so. We explained the legitimate interests we rely on in sections.'Why do we collect your personal data and what are our lawful bases for it?' above. If you would like to exercise any of your above rights, contact us at

  66. Verification

  67. Applications for access to or removal of Personal data, whether submitted by you or via an agent, are subject to verify your identity in light of the data requested and according to proper CCPA requirements, limitations, and regulations. To confirm your access or deletion application, please be prepared to identify data (such as your User ID, Game name, etc.) to match against our records to confirm you are the rightful account holder.

    CONTACT &COMPLAINTS: Your questions, comments, and requests regarding this policy are essential to us. If you are having any complaints regarding how we process your information, Reach us at We will reach back to you as soon as possible.
    CHANGES: We will publish updates or changes to this poicy here. If there are any significant changes, we will notify you through the website and in-Game.
    SECURITY: We understand the responsibility of keeping your information safe. When you are using our services and trusting us with your data, we will work hard to protect your information and put you in control.